Bioacoustics, behavioural ecology, and scientific writing


Working together

Marine Observations

JNCC approved MMO, BOEM/BSEE approved PSO with experience in marine animal spotting, behavioural studies and boat-based work.

Translations and Proofreading

Over 10 years of professional writing and translations between English, Polish and Spanish. Patents, medical, technical and scientific texts. Proofreading and corrections of patents, reports and scientific publications.

Research and Technical Aid

Bioacoustics, animal behaviour and GIS for biology. Currently a PhD fellow at the Uni of Gdańsk, open to collaboration!

About Me

I am an early career researcher interested in animal sound, behaviour and broadly understood marine biology and conservation. Skilled in bioacoustics, GIS and UAVs.

Since 2009, I have been working as a freelance translator and writer. Most comfortable in technical and scientific texts in English, Polish and Spanish.

Certified MMO/PSO, ready to work anywhere in the world on short notice.

Bookworm, cat person, roller derby player. She/her.


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